Frequently Asked Questions

Grant application process

How do I apply?

Fill out this application form. The application will only be shared with the Grants lead and members of the committee. The Lead will contact you directly if the application is successfully considered for a Grant.

Can I apply as a U.S. based person/company?


Please note that U.S. based grantees will receive funding in USDC.

How will I be compensated?

The Grantor will work with you to establish possible milestones that could help split up the compensation so as to allow payment whenever a milestone is hit.

If no milestones can be determined, the Grant will be paid a portion upfront to cover costs and the remaining total once the grant is successfully completed. Generally, this amounts to 25% upfront and 75% upon completion of the final product.

What type of project will qualify for a Grant?

Anything that will have a positive impact on the dYdX product and/or community! We are hoping to fund a wide range of grants from external trading tools to governance dashboards and newsletters.

Grants can be simple projects, such as Translating documentation, or more elaborate and longer term projects, such as Third Party Integrations. The funding amount will vary to reflect the complexity.

What is the application timeline? When can I expect to hear back?

The team is working diligently to get back to applicants as quickly as possible. Applicants should expect to hear back within 1 week of their initial application. Further processing time will depend on the review requirements and complexity of the application. Lean more about the Application Lifecycle.

How can I increase my chances of getting funded?

The Grants program is looking to fund projects building meaningful tools and growth opportunities that improve the long term prospects of dYdX and its community. A strong history of contribution to open-source projects, prior history in the dYdX community, and examples of things you’ve done in the past, are all important signs we look for.

If you are applying for a technical contribution, prior history of technical projects will be necessary to move forward.

How often do you approve new Rounds of funding?

New grants are batched to be approved at the end of every month.

The Grants Trust

What is the dYdX Grants Trust?

The dYdX Grants Trust is a Guernsey Purpose Trust was established to provide a legal wrapper around the Grants program and multi-sig, allowing for the signers to act as Trustees and DYDX tokenholders to be beneficiaries. This has given control of the Grants program to DYDX tokenholders, and provided legal protection to Trustees.

Trust Agreement:
Amendment to the number of Trustees required can be found here.

More information here:

Where are funds held?

Funds are held in a Gnosis safe managed by the 5 Trustees.

Link to the safe:

When was the program launched?

The program officially launched in January 2022 after being approved by the community through a governance proposal.

Link to governance vote:

Who are the Trustees?

Trustees are responsible for carrying out the purpose of the Trust. We have the following Trustees:

Felix Lutsch
Abra Tusz
Bora Nam
Colin Chan
Wintermute Trading, Ltd

The amendment to Trustees executed in Grants v1.5 can be found here.
The second amendment to Trustees executed in Grants v1.5 renewal can be found here.
The third amendment to Trustees executed with the Grants v1.5 extension can be found here.

What and who is the Enforcer?

The Enforcer is responsible for ensuring Trustees carry out the purpose of the Trust and act in the best interests of the beneficiaries.

Cliffton Lee is the Enforcer for the Trust.

The amendment to the Enforcer executed with the Grants v1.5 extension can be found here.

How does the program manage possible conflicts among contributors?

The program has adopted a Conflict of Interest policy followed by each contributor. The policy can be found here.