
Affiliate Program Frontends

Funding amount


Start date

September 2024


14 months


This grant will support the launch of a dYdX affiliate program following protocol development to add support for fee redistribution to affiliates, which is set to launch with dYdX Unlimited. The scope of work involves building out the necessary frontend integration and data engineering to support affiliates.

Fuul will design and develop two custom frontends to support the affiliate program.

  • The first is a dYdX Exchange integrated affiliate frontend that will display the affiliate links and all relevant metrics to any connected wallet (earnings, fee discounts, referred volume, trades, users, and more).
  • The second is a standalone, community-run UI that measures and tracks all affiliate related activity at a protocol level, including a leaderboard of all affiliates. This will serve as a dedicated hub for measuring both individual affiliate performances and overall protocol activity (total referred protocol earnings, total volume referred, total affiliate earnings, users onboarded, and more). The community can use this frontend to propose changes, run additional incentive programs, and compare performances.

Fuul will continue to maintain, upgrade, and support the two frontends for 12 months following deployment and launch of the program. We anticipate a lot of changes and updates over time as the program evolves and matures.


Payment structure

Useful Links

Impact & Metrics