
Data Services and Analytics

Funding amount

$60,000 + $22,000

Start date

November 2023


12 months



This grant will fund the development and support of data indexing services for dYdX v4, and the deployment of a dYdX v4 analytics dashboard with custom queries. Numia is the leading data service provider for Cosmos chains, supporting in-depth querying capacities of protocol data. Through this grant, dYdX will get access to CheckTx (the stage before confirmation) indexing, offering more granular analysis of orders processed on dYdX. Simultaneously, the Numia team will be deploying an instance of their Lenses analytics tools for dYdX. The dashboard will deploy custom queries to their portal, with access to data like Trading activity, Rewards and Fees, Treasury activity, and more. The community will be able to customize these data points for research and insights.


Parsing data on Cosmos chains can be tricky. Most of the important and relevant data is nested within on-chain messages not visible through block explorers, and not easily accessible through RCP or API endpoints. With Numia's support, the community will get access to neatly indexed SQL tables for in-depth queries and the analytics page for non-technical users wanting to review on-chain activity.

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