
dYdX Diligence Reports Marketing

Funding amount


Start date

September 2024


3 months


This grant will fund the distribution of promotional content by the Revelo Intel platform, including an up-to-date in-depth breakdown of the dYdX v4 protocol and eight installments of a newsletter campaign, with the goal of attracting more participants to the protocol.

Revelo Intel is known for publishing in-depth reports on DeFi protocols. The goal of these reports is to provide a single, digestible resource that gives the readers everything they should know about a protocol. Given the big changes happening in dYdX, we think this report is a good opportunity to promote the new and improved dYdX – with a specific focus on dYdX Unlimited. Revelo has seen up to 20,000 readers on breakdown reports.

The newsletters are used to attract a more consistent audience to the protocol, providing short snippets of the protocol with interesting facts and updates that would drive readers in. The goal is for the breakdown to serve as the master hub, and the newsletters to attract more readers over time. Ultimately, we hope to convert these readers into users.


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