
dYdX Trustless Data Archiving

Funding amount


Start date

October 2024


6 months


This grant serves to integrate KYVE’s permanent, decentralized data storage and accessibility solutions into the dYdX ecosystem for an initial 6 months. By doing so, it will eliminate the need for costly archival nodes and mitigate the risks of data loss or accessibility issues.

KYVE’s decentralized protocol operates through data pools, each corresponding to a specific dataset (e.g., dYdX block results). Each data pool can host up to 50 validators who are incentivized to fetch, validate, and store data on Arweave. This whole process ensures data integrity and immutability. 

With this grant, validators will be incentivized to validate and archive all historical blocks, block results, and state snapshots of the dYdX chain permanently onto Arweave. Additionally, this data will be made accessible via KYVE tools such as KSYNC for validators, Trustless API for developers, and Data Pipeline for data analysts.


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