Community Cauldron

Financial Intelligence Reporting


Funding amount

$1,200 per report

Start date

May 2023


1 report each epoch



0xCLR has been writing Financial Health reports on behalf of the DAO for the past few epochs. Through this grant, the report will be scaled to include more information that will guide the community around decisions and understanding of the protocol's financial health. The report will include data on the treasury, spending activity, fees generated, and other important health factors to begin budgeting the future of the dYdX DAO.


The dYdX community has limited access to in-depth reporting on the state of both the exchange revenue and the health of the community treasury. By improving regular reporting standards, the community can better assess the state of the protocol's finances. These reports will help guide decision making and collective understanding of the protocol's financial health.

Payment structure

100% retroactive

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