
Multisig Wallet Support


Funding amount


Start date

November 2023


12 months


This grant will fund support for the dYdX Chain and DYDX tokens on the Keplr multisig wallet. Funding will cover prior work done to build the multisig ($10k) and ongoing support for maintaining dYdX on the wallet ($10k). The wallet is ready to be released and will be maintained for 12 months with 99.9% uptime and a commitment to support dYdX users.


As users and teams migrate to the new dYdX protocol, we have seen a number of questions and concerns regarding the ability to custody funds through multisig type wallets. The Cosmos SDK command line wallet does not meet the needs of everyday users given its complexity. Instead, the Keplr wallet will provide an easy to use interface for creating and interacting with multisig wallets on the dYdX chain.

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